Sunday, August 31, 2014


Author Unknown at Sunday, August 31, 2014
We can enjoy our works without worries because Gadis and Brooklyn are now much-much healthy. Though they are living separated, but the indication of both are just the same. Gadis looks more active and also Brooklyn. Gadis has back now, playing with Boston and messing up their bed and blanket. Also Brooklyn, he is now running more quickly than before, able to fight against Sam while playing and he racing with Pinschy in order to get the number one position every time we going out at night. Their appetite are also much well than before especially Gadis which is greedier and always grab Boston's meal portion.

When she playing with Boston, biting, running after one each other and they both fell on to the bed while pulling up one's ear, it's a funny moment for us to watch. This is a miracle, a happiness that can't expressed  with words. Our babies finally back, it means we have no more worries of anything. Hope this will be everlasting, hope the last disease would have make them stronger than before.


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