Friday, July 25, 2014


Author Unknown at Friday, July 25, 2014
There's a good news and also bad news. I will start from the bad one came from Gadis. She still got fever, her appettite goes down slowly and she prefer to be alone on her bed. Her front legs swollen of wounds appears out and wet. Her irritated eyes pretty annoy her we know. Also she got flue and it makes her hard to breathe, her breathe sounded like someone snoring. So we take an action by smothering her nose for few seconds and release it, Gadis immediately sneezing and followed with blob of liquid come out from her nose. She feels better at least for 2 hours. But we didn't repeat the same action after 2 hours considering she hasn't been able to face the pressure, because after we smothering her nose and she sneezing, her heart beating 2 times faster than before and it worry us if she will fainted.

Yesterday, we applied such an insect fluid onto Boston's skin due to lice that growing much. we used to give Front Liner and we admit it's a kind of the best one to eradicate lice on your pets. The insect fluid (I don't recommend this) has made him fatigue and loss appetite, could be the smell that made him being like this. But so far he is OK and today Boston's appetite has back again. 

The good news is, I found Brooklyn's hair starting to grow and the most striking is in the left and the right of his mouth, there goldy soft hair growing up and it makes him look  like he having beards. The crust of his wound that dries has begun to fall. I'm happy and also worry. Because this once happened but then ended with the same thing, all hairs suddenly loss and replaced with new wounds. Wonder if this time Brooklyn would make it? I don't know...


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