Monday, July 28, 2014


Author Unknown at Monday, July 28, 2014
Have checked our donation page and no donors found yet. So we decide to cancel it. We believe there's another way we can help our dogs. Doing PTC online only earning few cents and that's allright..

Today is Eid Mubarak, a holy day for all Muslims. We didn't go for work, and Gadis feels better after consumed Dexametasone 0.75mg. To be honest, Dexa isn't the right solution to get out of a problem. But when the wounds get wet and didn't even cure, we have no choice but giving my dogs Dexa. It helps much to dry it wounds and restore their appetites.

Sometime I ponder that I wasn't good enough for them, so that they must struggling to get through diseases they suffering. If only I let them to be addopted when people came and ask for them, they would have been happy this time. But I really love them and thought that I could raise them properly. Or maybe I was wrong?

Until today I never stop loving them, even when they ill like these days, even it makes more and more loving them. I just can't throw them away just like others did and let them die somewhere, getting through their illness while starving before died. No, I won't do that.

We no longer accept guess to enter the house. Not much around here who agree about what we doing to our dogs and less who can understand why this room smells bad. It comes from Gadis, from her wounds, could be the salve, a traditional herb we made ourselves.

We fully understand that our dogs needed space for their playground and not just locked in the house, doing nothing and get bored. They need sun just like our Vet told so, and this is a big point to us as we can't or we doubt we can give it.

People around here are too scared everytime they facing our dogs. Their appearance, could be this is the reason. They're scared and the children will screaming out, running whille calling their Moms everytime they meets our dogs. Sadden uh,,,?

So we decide to release our dogs out in the night when everybody sleeping, and that is playing time for them. They playing under the moon instead of under the sun.


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